PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter)
WPC is a PADS site every Tuesday night, October through April, acting as a shelter for people who are homeless. Guests arrive by bus, sleep on foam pads (hence the name) and receive dinner, breakfast, and a bag lunch, before returning to the PADS office. WPC is one of many churches in Lake County who open the door to men, women, and children who have no place warm to sleep on a cold night. The all-volunteer staff works four shifts (6-11pm, 11pm-3am, 3-7 am and 5-7am). WPC provides site leadership and coordination every week, as well as the gym where our guests sleep. To learn more about PADS, check their website, To volunteer, call the church office (847-223-0073). Training is offered for volunteers at several points during the year.
WPC Food Pantry
The Deacons of Wildwood Presbyterian Church sponsor a food pantry distribution of perishable and imperishable food on the second Saturday morning of every month. We ask volunteers to come at 7am to assist with set up and unloading the truck. We will begin serving our clients at 9am and continue until everyone who comes for food is fed. We are often finished by 11am. We thank each of you who graciously gives of your time each month to feed families that find it hard to buy food. We could not do this as efficiently as we do without your support. We also appreciate the financial support that is given to this very worthy cause.
Tiny Treasures Preschool
The Tiny Treasures Christian Preschool is an outreach of the church. Providing an outstanding preschool program from a faith perspective is a marvelous opportunity for church members and non-members alike. Normally, volunteers for the preschool come from the ranks of preschool parents; however, there is always a job to do. Contact the director at 847-223-0186 or for details. For information about registration, philosophy, etc. of Tiny Treasures, visit their website .
Christmas Angel Tree for Busy Bee Child Care Center
Each Christmas WPC adopts the children of the Busy Bee Child Care Center in Waukegan, purchasing Christmas gifts for these children of working parents. Paper Angels with suggested gifts disappear instantly from the Angel Tree, which has to be regularly reloaded. The Deacons throw a Christmas Party for the children, complete with the appearance of Santa and Mrs. Claus to distribute the gifts, and cookies and punch for all.
Back to School Project
Each fall the Board of Deacons supports children who do not have all their back-to-school supplies. Watch the newsletter and bulletin for what is needed and bring your gifts to the welcome center in the fellowship hall. The Deacons also send Easter baskets to the children of One Hope United, and care packages to WPC college students and members of the armed forces; watch for the opportunity to contribute to these collections as well.
The mission committee came up with a new idea, going out to serve in the local community – helping neighbors and businesses with small projects, from painting to yardwork. WPC also had on-site projects at the church that help supported our local mission partners.
Boy Scouts
WPC is proud to sponsor Boy Scout Troop 672 and Cub Scout Pack 672. Information about scout activities and recruitment can be found on their web pages. A list of Eagle Scouts from Troop 672 is posted in Fellowship Hall by the entrance to the library.
Other opportunities for hands-on mission regularly arise during the course of the year. Watch the church newsletter Shavings and the worship bulletin for notice.