Presbyterian Mission
Presbyterian Church (USA): WPC pledges a portion of its mission giving to undesignated mission at the Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly level, in the United States and around the world
Presbyterian Disaster Relief (PDA): emergency funding to refugees and victims of hurricanes, floods, tornados, hunger, and other disasters in the United States and around the world

WPC-Based Mission
Angel Tree: Deacon outreach providing Christmas gifts to children of Busy Bee Child Care Center and PADS
Easter Baskets: for the children of One Hope United and PADS
Food Pantry: Deacon community outreach provides perishable and non-perishable food on the second Saturday of each month at WPC
Mission Trips: adult, high school and middle school mission trips to renovate homes, perform community service, or provide disaster relief
PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter): WPC serves as a shelter for people without homes on Tuesday nights, October through April, staffed by WPC and partner churches
School Supplies: for local school children in need
Tiny Treasures Preschool: We emphasize an individual approach to every child within an atmosphere of acceptance and grace and foster all areas of their development

International Mission
Cite Soleil Community School: WPC’s partner school in Haiti through Haiti Allies, providing an education to children in one of the worst slums in Port-au-Prince

Lake County Mission
The Cancer Wellness Center Cancer Walk: Annual cancer walk to helps support those with cancer and those recovering from treatment
CASA: Court-appointed advocates for children and youth in the justice system
Community Youth Network (CYN): Services for troubled youth and adults
CROP Walk: Annual hunger walk for Lake County and international hunger projects
Feed My Starving Children: feeding starving children by packing and distributing meals
Mano a Mano: Hispanic community center in Round Lake
PADS: network of homeless shelters (including WPC) staffed by volunteers
A Safe Place: Waukegan shelter for abused women and children
Zacharias Center: Lake County’s outreach to victims of sexual abuse and assault
Special offerings are received for particular needs as they arise in Lake County and the world, particularly in response to natural disasters.